Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's all happening on the Sandringham line

Now everyone has a right to wear whatever the hell they want. I just have a right to judge....Please, by all means, judge what I'm wearing whenever you like!

Thank you to uhohdaisy for sending this one through because it really has FASHIONROAST written all over it... It was taken on the Sandringham train line. You gotta love the cross section of people you see on trains. Mothers, priests, professionals, students and many other strange creatures. Like the fella below. And yes apparently he is a fella. When I saw this I immediately thought of the troll dolls from back in the 90s. Remember the little key rings that had little trolls with bright coloured hair? Boom. This guy puts the troll in troll doll. Whilst he has immaculately matched his Stabilo Boss pink hair, sunglasses and jumper he has provided me with great fodder this week. Its amazing what people will do to stand out innit!

I think he looks rediculous #justsaying

If anyone thinks this is a boast then you have the floor...

Kruppy signing out

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Being Tim Mullaly

Men need to be men. Strong-minded, decisive and physically able - it's all part of society's mould. Sure there are some stray and people who don't believe but in my opinion, men need to stand for some things, and these things are important. One thing however that isn't as much as part of society's expectation of the male species however is the importance of one's appearance.

Traditionally blokes being blokes meant that looking the part was the female's domain, not the males. I for one however have always been taught that it takes 2 seconds to make an impression and the way that one presents themselves is therefore vital to making that first impression. Therefore for me falling into the same category as being strong minded, decisive and physically able is looking sharp and making that first impression. You never know who you're going to meet right?

So when a very dapper Tim Mullaluly waltzed in to work this morning wearing a blazer, jumper, checked shirt and funky tie I thought the man needed a big pat on the back. Very classy, albeit losing serious points for a Dali-like moustache Timbo gets this week's tick of approval and a big FASHION BOAST! Now he just needs to work on being physically able!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fashion in the golfing fraternity

With the Presidents Cup in Melbourne town this week I thought I would do a golfing special..

Golf is generally a pretty boring game from a fashion perspective. Collared polo, slacks, maybe a 1990s style visor, your standard golf shoes. Nothing to write home about. But every now and then comes someone with a bit of colour. With a bit of pizzaz. Someone who just makes you notice!

Two players come immediately to mind. Both on either side of the style spectrum. On one hand you have the very stylish Jesper Parnevik. Hailing from Sweden and being a reasonable golfer in the 90s and early naughties he will leave more of a fashion legacy than a golfing one! You gotta love the flair of the Sweed. All class and definitely a big fashion boast!

On the other hand and going deep deep south on the style spectrum is the very colourful John Daly. Known for outrageous antics on and off the course Daly is someone that has serious dress sense issues. One has to question whether he thinks he's going to play a round of golf or shooting off to provide entertainment at a children's 3rd birthday party. And for that reason Mr D you are getting slapped with a fashion roast stamp.

Surely I can't be wrong in these cases people???? Are they fashion boasts or fashion roasts????

Kruppy signing off.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fashion Roast At the Spring Carnival

Melbourne's Spring Carnival is known for it's fashion. It's a week that all the ladies plan for weeks and weeks in advance (not to mention many of the men these days too...) and as such it is one of the most appropriate places to find Fashion Roast.

Horses for courses as they say but I came across this guy and my fashion roast radar went into over-drive. At his age I think you have to give more lenience for the flair (hats off to a man in his 60s who still has the guts to wear a pink hat and matching tie with a loud yellow shirt) but I still I think he looks like a packet of clinkers. If my dad rocked up to the races like that I wouldn't know where to hide.

So I am slapping this stallion with a big fat FASHION ROAST!

What do you think, a roast or a boast????