Golf is generally a pretty boring game from a fashion perspective. Collared polo, slacks, maybe a 1990s style visor, your standard golf shoes. Nothing to write home about. But every now and then comes someone with a bit of colour. With a bit of pizzaz. Someone who just makes you notice!
Two players come immediately to mind. Both on either side of the style spectrum. On one hand you have the very stylish Jesper Parnevik. Hailing from Sweden and being a reasonable golfer in the 90s and early naughties he will leave more of a fashion legacy than a golfing one! You gotta love the flair of the Sweed. All class and definitely a big fashion boast!

On the other hand and going deep deep south on the style spectrum is the very colourful John Daly. Known for outrageous antics on and off the course Daly is someone that has serious dress sense issues. One has to question whether he thinks he's going to play a round of golf or shooting off to provide entertainment at a children's 3rd birthday party. And for that reason Mr D you are getting slapped with a fashion roast stamp.

Surely I can't be wrong in these cases people???? Are they fashion boasts or fashion roasts????
Kruppy signing off.
The other that comes to mind is the deceased Payne Stewart.